Q&A: VOIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol; how reliable is this communication solution?
Question by Shaula Brandt: VOIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol; how reliable is this communication solution?
For the company I work, I am looking into possible new communication services. I have heard of VOIP, but I would like to hear from someone who has experienced it to know what to expect. Is this solution reliable and worth the investment. I am told we would have to replace all our current phones, but the cost savings for the services would pay for the investment in the first year.
Best answer:
Answer by Rawr_chomp
VOIP works very well as long as you have an internet connection. If your internet connection goes down, your phones will also not work. I have seen this become a major issue in the past.
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VoIP is worth the investment…
however in a commercial application you should have multiple internet connections for redundancy with a multi-WAN router as well as a UPS for back up battery power of your network equipment…
if you are using SIP phones then you will need to replace your phones, but if you use an analog telephone adapter you can keep your existing phone system and phones… the SPA8000 is an 8 line analog telephone adapter http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10025/index.html