What is the difference in broadband and VoIP phone service?
Question by : What is the difference in broadband and VoIP phone service?
I want to know about broadband phone service. What is difference between VoIP phone and broadband phone service. Which one of them is more beneficial.
Best answer:
Answer by Dunbar Pappy ϟϟ
VoIP is ‘carried’ over an Internet connection.
You must have Internet access (of which broadband is one flavor) in order to utilize VoIP.
For instance, Vonage is one VoIP ‘phone’ service, but you must have Internet, provided by an Internet Service Provider (aka “ISP”) first.
Satellite ISP, such as Hughes, would be one Internet service, which can handle a VoIP service.
Some VoIP services are free; others have a fee, which get billed separately from the ISP charges. Did you have any particular configuration in mind?
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Categories: VOIP Questions Tags: Broadband, difference, PHONE, Service, VOIP
Difference between KVM and Voice over IP?
Question by : Difference between KVM and Voice over IP?
What is the difference between KVM, Voice over IP and logmein. Are they all use the same programming technique or they different ? Are they all use RAS too?
Best answer:
Answer by Bash Limpbutt’s Oozing Cyst©
Four different things for four different purposes.
KVM stands for Keyboard, Video, Mouse. It refers to switches that allow a single keyboard, monitor and mouse setup to control multiple machines.
VOIP is a means of sending voice over IP networks.
Logmein is a commercial product for sharing documents, presentations, or a computer desktop across a network. It may optionally include voice or video features.
RAS (more correctly RRAS) is the Microsoft solution for remotely accessing network data through through a dial-up network or VPN connection.
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Categories: VOIP Questions Tags: between, difference, over, voice
Q&A: what is the difference in a landline phone and voice over ip phone?
Question by nicole: what is the difference in a landline phone and voice over ip phone?
Best answer:
Answer by classicsat
It depends what you mean.
If you mean a phone that plugs into a phone line or a VOIP adapter, there is no difference.
Now, you can get VOIP specific phones, which have the VOIP adapter built in, and plug into the wall with Ethernet cable, or use Wi-Fi to connect to a VOIP service.
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Categories: VOIP Questions Tags: difference, landline, over, PHONE, voice